
Saturday, September 11, 2010

1.0 Meadow Glen, here I come!

"Welcome to Meadow Glen, Amber,"

Mrs Brooke's raspy voice broke the silence as her yellow taxi finally drove out of the endless hills into a valley scattered with little houses with dark roofs. We exchanged pleasantries when I first sat into her chartered taxi and I had mentioned earlier that this is my the first time setting foot into Meadow Glen.

No, let me rephrase that.

This is my first time ever setting foot out of Sunset Valley.

"Thanks, Mrs Brooke," I chimed, while trying to minimize a huge excited grin from plastering itself on to my face, " I can't wait to explore this new town!" 

Winding down the taxi's window, I let the soft wind hit my face. Aah... The curious smell of a new town. 

"You don't know anybody in Glen, do you? Well, I'll leave some survival tip for you,"  She gestured the air quote as she speaks, briefly letting go of the steering wheel(!).

"Yes, please..."

"There's plenty of part time jobs for young fresh from college people like you. Just go downtown and ask around. Check out Divisadero Budget Books, the owner is my old friend. I'll recommend you if you're interested. What do you plan to do, Amber?"

"Me? I'm not sure really. Though I sure would like some jobs with adrenaline rush. I can't stand being stuck in an office stapling papers away all day," I said, rolling my eyes, before quickly snapping out of it, "Ah! Um.. I'm sorry Mrs Brooke, I wasn't referring about the bookstore you recommended when I said stuck in an office."

"Don't worry about it, girl. A daredevil, aren't you? How about trying out as a firefighter? That'd be enough adrenaline rush for you. Just be careful not to get yourself reduced to ashes!" She laughed.

"You know what, Mrs Brooke... I liked the idea," I beamed, "I'm going visit the fire station as soon as I arrived to my new place!"

And that was the beginning of my's Meadow Glen adventure and the Larusso's Legacy. Though, it hadn't crossed my mind at all then... about starting a Legacy of my own.